Salina Planing Mill is a leading manufacturer of architectural woodwork.
What is "architectural woodwork"? It is custom designed
and manufactured wood products including cabinetry, casework,
fixtures, mouldings, paneling, doors, and various other special
architectural elements. We create our product from the designs
and specifications of architects and interior designers to
meet the special needs for buildings. Architectural woodwork
is used primarily in commercial facilities and high-end residences.
Many types of building facilities use our products. Some of
these include medical clinics, hospitals, schools, financial
institutions, office buildings, and hotels. Most projects
are "new construction", some are remodels, and others
are "historic replications".
Salina Planing Mill is a company with a long history. Established
in 1908, we are nearing 100 years in business. Our name reflects
the company's heritage in the construction industry. Many
years ago, planing mills would purchase rough lumber from
saw mills and plane it down to dimensioned lumber. Over the
years, we evolved into the architectural woodwork business.
Today, Salina Planing Mill is one of a select group of businesses
that has earned the status as a "Certified" manufacturer
by the industry's national organization, the Architectural
Woodwork Institute.
Producing architectural woodwork requires a staff of highly qualified people, a well-equipped
fabrication facility and a commitment to produce quality custom woodwork, delivered on time.